Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Task 3 Part 6: Evaluation

58: The author intended to portray the prejudice and hatred towards the Jews from the Christians, but shows it in such a way that the Christians always seem to be correct, and also shows the loyalty of Antonio and Bassanio, as they help one another in life-threatening situations and pursuing romance.

59: I would save Antonio from the hands ofShylock, because he does not desewrve such cruelty for help his friend out.

60: The title is poor because although it refers to Antonio as the Merchant of Venice, Antonio is technically not the main character. It is supposedly Bassanio.

Task 3 Part 5: Synthesis

43: I would change the ending, because Ifind the judging and sentence of Shylock too harsh and unfair, and I think thatthe fake justice should not be portrayed in the play as readers may have adifferent sense of justice after watching the play with regards to prejudice aswell.


Part One: The Human Debt and the Wooing ofthe Heiress

Bassanio asks friend Antonio to borrowmoney to woo Portia, a rich heiress, but the borrowing of money turns nastywith Shylock, so wants a debt interlinked to human life.

Part Two: The fate of the Merchant ofVenice

Antonio’s life is at the mercy of Shylock,as he is determined to get the end of his deal: A Pound of Antonio’s flesh. How will Antonio be saved?

Part Three: The unexpected ending

Portia disguises herself as a lawyer tojudge Shylock, and in the end, they get away with it managed to rescues Antonioas well.

52: Attention Shakespeare Lovers! Do youlove comedy in an odd twisting kind of way? Do you want to learn the nature ofold England and the conflicts between Jews and Christians? Then the book entitledThe Merchant of Venice is just for you! It has an interesting plot about afriend’s loyalty and justice, with a wicked sense of humour added to it! Whatare you waiting for! Come get it at your nearest bookstore now!

Task 3 Part 4: Analysis

33. In London at that period, economy ispoorer, but in Singpore, people are generally well-paid because of aknowledge-based economy and that London has people working as farmers andpeasants, therefore the social level there is very divided and the people aremuch segregated, where it is very difficult to rise up in the classes. Whereasin Singapore, with the power if education, it is very easy for a person with alow social status to rise to among the toppest.

34. If the story occurred today, mostpeople would not be able to comprehend the Olden English used, and the peoplewould not understand the story behind the themes due to lack of backgroundknowledge, and the people may find the ending very controversial, and it mayeven spark off dispute between races and religions. However, the very idea ofthe play is novel and unique, so people may find it interesting as well.

35. Antonio, like me, keeps close only to afew friends. We also are fiercely loyal to friends and will not betray them. Ifwe have problems, we will tend to keep them to ourselves and attempt to solvethem by ourselves. We also put others above self, regarding their problems asour own. We may have tolerence, but only to a certain extent where we may turnnasty.

Task 3 Part 3: Application

24: The book has shown me the strongloyalty Antonio has for Bassanio, even willing to risk his life to borrow moneyfor Bassanio so that he can woo Portia, so I think that I should pay attentionto my friends and treasure them, putting tohers above self.

25. I don’t think that Antonio will mixaround with our classmates, but will find one or two close friends.

27 I have learnt that loyalty betweenfriends is very important and precious, and we should not betray them andstrive to help them when they are in need.

Task 3 Part Two: Comprehension

11. Shylock, a greedy Jewish money-lender,wants Antonio, a merchant of Venice to pay a pound of his flesh if Antonio isunable to pay up his debt by the stipulated date. When Antonio is unable to payhis loan, Shylock demands his pound of flesh. The problem is solved when Portiadisguised as a lawyer to save Antonio by telling Shylock that if he spills onedrop of blood, he will be charged.

12. Shylock did something I disliked. I didnot like how he placed the life of Antonio just for the sum of money, and Ithink that the human life is worth more than just a debt, because if Antonio isunable to pay off in time, he can just increase the interest rate or file apolice report legally.

13. It is a comedy. Portia disguisedherself as a lawyer to save Antonio, and outsmarted Shylock with her wits, andthe three boxes scene is also fairly amusing.

14. Shakespeare’s message was regarding thediscrimination against Jews in his time, in twisted irony because in the end,Shylock is supposedly turned into a Christian, to show a “happy ending” to theplay, as the conversion would supposedly get rid of his evil intention to killAntonio. And the people who judged Shylock had no right to do so.

16. Bassanio ask Antonio for money, Antonioask Shylock for money, Bassanio wooing Portia, Portia disguised as a lawyer to saveAntonio from death at Shylock’s hands, and finally the conclusion when Shylockis converted into a Christian, to be saved from death.

17. Bassanio asks Antonio for money to wooPortia, and he says that he short of money at the moment, but he will try tofind a money-lender to borrow money from him instead.

18. Antonio greets Bassanio in a street, asBassanio attempts to ask him to borrow money.

20. The title, The Merchant of Venice,refers to Antonio himself.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Task 3 Part One: KNOWLEDGE

List of Characters

· Shylock

§ Antagonist,he demands that if Antonio cannot return his money on time, Antonio must returnhim a pound of flesh.

· Portia

§ Anintelligent and wealthy heiress, she plays an important role in saving Antoniofrom certain death.

· Antonio

§ Aloyal friend who helps Bassanio by lending him money to woo Portia, and almostsacrifices himself through his dangerous debt

· Bassanio

§ Agentleman in Venice who borrows money from Antonio in order to woo Portia

· Gratianoand Nerrisa

§ Friendsof Portia and Bassanio, who fell in love with each other

5 New Words

1. Argosy[ahr-guh-see]: A large merchant ship with rich cargo

2. im·peach[im-peech]: to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal ofmisconduct in office.

3. pen·ance[pen-uhns]: a punishment undergone in token of penitence for sin.

4. hal·ter[hawl-ter]: a rope with a noose for hanging criminals; the hangman's noose;gallows; death by hanging.

5. no·ta·ry[noh-tuh-ree]: -ries.

8. The places are Venice and Belmont, whichis situated just outside Venice.

9. Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Macbethand Twelfth Night

10. The book happened from 1596-7, theElizabethan period.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Activity 2: Environmental studies should be made a mandatory part of the science curriculum. Do you agree?

Almost every single person is aware of global warming,but are they serious in saving the Earth? Most people are unaware of the impactand importance of saving our planet, so I think the it is crucial the peoplestart learning from young so that they will realize the impacts, and go green,hence applying the skills they have learnt from the education received, or soto speak, the environmental studies, so I think that is should be an importantpart in the science curriculum.

In Singapore, education is crucial in determiningone’s future, but we should use this platform to raise the awareness of globalwarming and the need to save our planet. Therefore, environmental studies canand should be implemented in our studies from young so that in the future, oursociety will consist of people who are willing to sacrifice and play a part ingoing green. With more understanding on the issue and problem at hand, theeducation system can also allow the great young minds of the future to identifythe problems at hand and come up with global solutions that will benefitSingapore and other countries.

By realizing the consequences of global warming, theywill also be motivated to save the Earth and at the same time, motivate othersto follow suite. This way, we will create a trend of going green, and it willbe easier to push forward ideas to counter global warming, because the publicwill welcome more of such ideas.By providing solutions for global warming, thestudents can also review the current methods and weigh its effects and cost,and come up with a newer idea and hence we will have an innovative team to savethe Earth.

Inconclusion, I feel that environmental studies should be made a mandatory partof the science curriculum, because it will instill the moral sense andresponsibility against climate change and raise the awareness of global warmingat the same time. With a more in-depth studying on the issue, we can createbetter solutions as well, and hence there are many benefits to this step thatwe should take.

Activity 2: Global Warming

  1. There are many solutions to global warming, but they all revolve around the idea and theme of reducing energy use. Some examples are walking or cycling when possible, use energy efficient products, turn off lights when not in use and use the fan instead of the air-con. There are also specific and direct solutions, such as planting trees and plants, not burning rubbish and carpooling. On a global scale, the big shots can look at alternative energy sources, not burn fossil fuels, freeze carbon production and shift taxation from employment and production to taxation on pollution. These may be extreme means, but this means that they are extremely effective too. This solutions will reduce the carbon dioxide in the air and decrease energy use as well.
  2. Singaporeans can play an active role in saving the planet by going green and using the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. In fact, there are a lot of campaigns in Singapore that promote going green, such as Saving Gaia, and the NTUC’s initiative to use recyclable bags so as not to use more plastic bags. We can also reduce our usage in water and electricity appliances as well. This way, we will reduce our carbon footprint and energy consumption.
  3. In HCI, we can organise competitions, events for saving the Earth, such as a Going Green day or quizzes and other sorts of competition to raise the awareness of global warming and promote good habits in saving the earth. This way the students and teachers alike can participate actively in going green. An example will be a competition to test the knowledge of the three Rs so as to enrich the minds of students so that they know the omportance of saving the Earth.

Activity 1: Saudis Arrest Woman Leading Right-to-Drive Campaign: Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

I have done aterrible thing today! Why was I so dumb? I may never see my sister again!Today, my sister asked me to borrow the car to run some errands, and at thattime, I was so busy myself, I allowed her to drive without second thoughts. Afew hours, I received a call from the police, telling me that my sister wasarrested, and that’s was when it hit me – I totally forgot that she was notallowed to drive! And because of that, because of my stupidity, she wasarrested! I was told that she could face a fine, or even a month in prison!What would Mother say? I was tasked to take care of her!

However, as Ifurther thought about this, why was there the rule that women weren’t allowedto drive cars? I know that it was because of religious issues, but why wouldthe government go so far for their religion as to arrest a woman? I alwaysthought that religious rules would not cause an impact or change on the law,because I always thought of religion and the law as two separate things. Cometo think of it, why did our religion bar women from driving? Other countries,America, China, Japan, they all allow women to drive, and I hear that they aretreated equally as well, so why not here in Saudi Arabia?

Maybe the religiouslaws here are too strict, and I myself am faced with an increasing doubt infaith of my religion. My sister can take care of herself perfectly, so why allthe worries about their safety? However, I am too afraid to go against thegovernment, because who am I to question my religion? I may even face the sameconsequences as my sister! Please tell me what to do. I am at a loss! I amsupposed to go see my sister and bail her out, but what do I say later? Do Isupport or go against her? I am so nervous! Help me!

Activity One: Saudis Arrest Woman Leading Right-to-Drive Campaign

  1. I am utterly disgusted by the woman’s rights given in Saudi Arabia. The women there are not even allowed to drive, and this because of their religious reasons, and that the men were afraid that the women could not take care of themselves outside alone in the car and they were exposed to the danger of strangers. However, this is just a prejudice; a baseless argument, and if so, we can also safely assume that the same would apply for men, and that they cannot deny it as that itself would be prejudice. Hence, I strongly disagree with the rights of women in Saudi Arabia.
  2. In this case, the use of social media has been an advantage to the women of Saudi Arabia, because they take advantage of the fact that Saudi Arabia is the only country with women deprived of their rights, so by this way, they can garner support from other countries, which support human rights to help overthrow the law. Also, by using these social media tools, they can gather the people who support this motion so that their strength will come with numbers.
  3. In my opinion, when the government makes laws, they should consider the effects and impacts it has on the human rights and religion. Therefore, I think that both parties must come to a compromise on both sides so that a more harmless solution is created.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Impressions on Shakespeare’s Works and Life in England

Truth be told, I was not very keen on Shakespeareand his world of plays and the theatre, but I recently read a book, TheSorceress, it portrayed William Shakespeare has an apprentice under Nicholas Flameland Doctor John Dee, in a magical world of contemporary times, and I find hislife to be very interesting, as the author portrayed William Shakespeare as aman of inspiration and imagination.

In my opinion, William Shakespeare formed the veryfoundation of many of today’s modern plays. Today’s plays copied themes likelove and romance from his. William Shakespeare also received his inspirationfrom poems, legends, and even the bible. His plays also reflect the bigdifferences in the classes of people,

The Elizabethan Era is much different from ourtimes. In their era, even though their social levels are also divided, peopleare very likely to remain in that particular social level in their entirelives, whereas in our modern world, through good education, people can riseeasily through the social levels, because meritocracy is exercised. The peoplealso practically worshipped the monarchy, as they believed that theyrepresented the Gods. However, the sad thing is it is due to their beliefs ofgods and that they should obey themonarchy, that the people are trapped in the social levels they are in.However, the only exception was that John Shakespeare, so rose from a farmer’ssocial level to be a successful man, going against all odds.

William Shakespeare’s plays can definitely beapplied to modern context, because in his plays, there are themes and lessonsto be learnt. For example, in Romeo and Juliet, we can learn about thestrength of undying love and the strong bonds the people have, and that we canappreciated modern society and systems which are much fairer than those of theElizabethan Era, in which everything was decided by the monarchy.

Willliam Shakespeare