11. Shylock, a greedy Jewish money-lender,wants Antonio, a merchant of Venice to pay a pound of his flesh if Antonio isunable to pay up his debt by the stipulated date. When Antonio is unable to payhis loan, Shylock demands his pound of flesh. The problem is solved when Portiadisguised as a lawyer to save Antonio by telling Shylock that if he spills onedrop of blood, he will be charged.
12. Shylock did something I disliked. I didnot like how he placed the life of Antonio just for the sum of money, and Ithink that the human life is worth more than just a debt, because if Antonio isunable to pay off in time, he can just increase the interest rate or file apolice report legally.
13. It is a comedy. Portia disguisedherself as a lawyer to save Antonio, and outsmarted Shylock with her wits, andthe three boxes scene is also fairly amusing.
14. Shakespeare’s message was regarding thediscrimination against Jews in his time, in twisted irony because in the end,Shylock is supposedly turned into a Christian, to show a “happy ending” to theplay, as the conversion would supposedly get rid of his evil intention to killAntonio. And the people who judged Shylock had no right to do so.
16. Bassanio ask Antonio for money, Antonioask Shylock for money, Bassanio wooing Portia, Portia disguised as a lawyer to saveAntonio from death at Shylock’s hands, and finally the conclusion when Shylockis converted into a Christian, to be saved from death.
17. Bassanio asks Antonio for money to wooPortia, and he says that he short of money at the moment, but he will try tofind a money-lender to borrow money from him instead.
18. Antonio greets Bassanio in a street, asBassanio attempts to ask him to borrow money.
20. The title, The Merchant of Venice,refers to Antonio himself.