Sunday, June 19, 2011

Activity 1: Saudis Arrest Woman Leading Right-to-Drive Campaign: Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

I have done aterrible thing today! Why was I so dumb? I may never see my sister again!Today, my sister asked me to borrow the car to run some errands, and at thattime, I was so busy myself, I allowed her to drive without second thoughts. Afew hours, I received a call from the police, telling me that my sister wasarrested, and that’s was when it hit me – I totally forgot that she was notallowed to drive! And because of that, because of my stupidity, she wasarrested! I was told that she could face a fine, or even a month in prison!What would Mother say? I was tasked to take care of her!

However, as Ifurther thought about this, why was there the rule that women weren’t allowedto drive cars? I know that it was because of religious issues, but why wouldthe government go so far for their religion as to arrest a woman? I alwaysthought that religious rules would not cause an impact or change on the law,because I always thought of religion and the law as two separate things. Cometo think of it, why did our religion bar women from driving? Other countries,America, China, Japan, they all allow women to drive, and I hear that they aretreated equally as well, so why not here in Saudi Arabia?

Maybe the religiouslaws here are too strict, and I myself am faced with an increasing doubt infaith of my religion. My sister can take care of herself perfectly, so why allthe worries about their safety? However, I am too afraid to go against thegovernment, because who am I to question my religion? I may even face the sameconsequences as my sister! Please tell me what to do. I am at a loss! I amsupposed to go see my sister and bail her out, but what do I say later? Do Isupport or go against her? I am so nervous! Help me!

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