A Person who is Unsatisfied with his looks
As he looked into the mirror, his eyebrows arched and as he pulled a long face. He hated his eyes. He hated his hair. He hated his lips. He hated his figure. He rubbed his eyes. Why couldn't they be bigger and rounder, instead of being like slits of a snake? He brushed his hair. Was dyeing his hair blond the wrong choice? Should it have been brown. His Justin Bieber hairstyle did not match him, didn't it? He should have got a rooster-hairstyle shouldn't he? He stared at his lips. He loathed them. Why does cleft lips look so ugly? He jsut wanted round and perfect lips, was that hard to ask for? His figure, his figure, his figure. he hated it the most. Why were his biceps still so puny? Had the dumbbells training been worthless? Why, he could see a spare tyre emerging deep beneath his baggy shirt! He wanted slim and slender legs, not short and stubby ones! He desperately needed a make-over! He put on his running shoes while dialing the hair-dresser the fifth time this month...
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